
Radicle provides a :test macro which allows you to write tests next to your code.

(def not
  (fn [x] (if x #f #t)))

(:test "not"
   [ (not #t) ==> #f ]
   [ (not #f) ==> #t ]

The test/prelude.rad script runs all tests defined in the prelude.

Test Definition

Each test definition consists of a test name and a list of steps

(:test "my test" step1 step2 ...)

Each step is a vector triple with the symbol ==> in the middle. For example

[ (not #t) ==> #f ]

When a test step is run the value left of ==> is evaluated in the environment captured at the definition site of the test. The resulting value is then compared with the right-hand side. The test passes if both are equal. The right-hand side is not evaluated.

If the evaluation of the left-hand side throws an error the test fails with the message produced by the error.

Changes to reference in a test step evaluation have no effect and all tests steps are run independently.

Test Setup

There is a special setup test step that allows you to change the environment that tests steps run in.

(:test "with setup"
  [ :setup (do
      (def foo 5)
  [ (+ foo 2) ==> 7 ]
  [ (- foo 2) ==> 3 ]

Similar to test steps the body of the :setup step is evaluated in the environment of the definition site. Changes to the environment introduced by evaluating the setup code are then available in all test steps.

Running Tests

All tests defined with the :test macro are collected in the tests reference. Tests can be executed using the run-all function from the prelude/test module.