# Issue machine tutorial ## Adding an removing issues In this example we will create a machine which stores some issues about a code repository. At the start it will only support adding and removing issues, but then we will add more features. This is a literate radicle file, which means you can run it like this: `stack exec doc -- docs/source/guide/Issues.lrad`. First we load the prelude: (load! (find-module-file! "prelude.rad")) We'll use a ref to store the issues, as a dictionary from issue IDs to issues. (def issues (ref {})) To update the state of our issues we'll use `modify-ref`, a function which takes a ref and a function. It updates the value held in the ref using the function and then returns the _new_ value. We'll be modifying `issues` a lot, so let's create a function for that: (def mod-issues (fn [f] (modify-ref issues f))) Next we'll define a function for creating a new issue. An issue is a dict which looks like: { :id "ab12-xy23" :author "user-id-here" :title "I want pattern matching" :body "I can't continue using radicle without it." } The `:id` should be a valid UUID that is supplied by whoever submits the issue; we just check that the ID isn't already used for another issue: (def id-valid-and-free? (fn [id] (and (uuid? id) (not (member? id (read-ref issues)))))) To add an issue we just add it to the `issues` dict, using the `:id` as the key. Note that in the case of an error we use `print!` in this tutorial, but in a real machine one would `throw` to refuse the transaction. (def new-issue (fn [i] (def id (lookup :id i)) (if (id-valid-and-free? id) (mod-issues (fn [is] (insert id i is))) (print! "Issue ID was not free or was invalid.")))) Closing an issue is also easy--we just delete that issue from the dict: (def close-issue (fn [id] (mod-issues (fn [is] (delete id is))))) The behaviour we want from our machine is to accept some commands to perform issue-related tasks. We'll store these commands in a dict, keyed by the command symbol. We put the whole thing in a ref so that we can add more commands later, or even update existing commands. (def commands (ref {'create new-issue 'close close-issue})) Now we create a function for handling these commands. We assume that the input is a list with at least 2 elements, the first of which is a symbol describing the command. We look up the command handler in the `commands` ref and then run it on the arguments using `apply`, which calls a function on a list of arguments. Finally we print the issues so that we can see how the state evolves. (def process-command (fn [expr] (def command (head expr)) (def args (tail expr)) (def do-this (lookup command (read-ref commands))) (apply do-this args) (print! (read-ref issues)) :ok)) Now we update the eval. We will check for a special command `update` for updating the semantics of our machine (by executing arbitrary code), but otherwise we delegate to `process-command`. In general of course you wouldn't want to leave such an `update` command with no restrictions; we'll talk about that later. (load! "rad/machine.rad") (def eval (updatable-eval (fn [expr state] (eval-fn-app state 'process-command expr print!)))) Now we can start creating some issues. To generate some UUIDs, use the `uuid!` function at the REPL. (create {:id "f621caec-b0a3-4c5e-9fdd-147066a35af1" :author "james" :title "Pattern matching" :body "Pleeease"}) (create {:id "a37e56bd-b66a-4f3f-af06-9eaeb4afdae9" :author "julian" :title "Better numbers" :body "The ids are floats!"}) ## Comments on issues Now it would be nice to be able to comment on issues. For this we'll just use a `:comment` field in the issue, which will be a vector of comments. The first thing we need to do therefore is add an empty vector of comments to all our current issues. To do this we'll use the update command which allows us to run some arbitrary updating code: (update (modify-ref issues (fn [is] (map-values (fn [i] (insert :comments [] i)) is)))) When creating issues we now need to be careful to add the comments: (create {:id "4a4d4479-468e-46e5-b026-1f84288aa682" :author "Alice" :title "Can issues have comments please?" :body "So that we can talk about them." :comments []}) A more sophisticated handler might add an empty comments field if it doesn't exist. To add the commenting feature, first we will add a new function to add comments to issues. (update (def add-comment (fn [issue-id comment] (mod-issues (fn [is] (modify-map issue-id (fn [i] (modify-map :comments (fn [cs] (add-right comment cs)) i)) is)))))) TODO: modify-map should be renamed to modify-dict (You'll note that there is a lot of painful nested updating going on; later we will see how this can be made a lot easier with lenses.) Adding this command to our commands dictionary will now make comments work: (update (modify-ref commands (fn [cs] (insert 'comment add-comment cs)))) Now we can comment on issues: (comment "a37e56bd-b66a-4f3f-af06-9eaeb4afdae9" {:author "james" :comment "Yes that is a good idea."}) ## Validating data It would be nice to validate issues and comments before they are added, e.g. checking if all the right keys exist. TODO ## Verifying authors This machine has issues and comments coming from users but there is nothing that enforces that the issues and comments are actually submitted by these users. I (Alice) could easily submit the comment: (update { :author "bobs-id" :comment "LGTM"}) to the machine and no one would know it wasn't Bob. To remedy this we will use signatures. First of all we will assume that this machine has a unique ID: (update (def machine-id "some-unique-id")) Signatures are created using the `gen-signature!` function, which takes a secret key `sk` and a string `msg`. The signature `sig` that it returns can be used with the function `verify-signature` as follows: `(verify-signature pk sig msg)`. If this returns `#t` then this tells us that the person who signed the message is the person who knows the secret key. We create a function to verify that issues are valid: (update (def issue-valid? (fn [i] (verify-signature (lookup :author i) (lookup :signature i) (string-append machine-id (lookup :id i) (lookup :title i) (lookup :body i)))))) Finally we modify the `add-issue` function. Note that we re-use our old `add-issue` function, just adding the extra layer of security: (update (def add-verified-issue (fn [issue] (if (issue-valid? issue) (new-issue issue) ;; In a real machine we would throw, not print a message. (print! "The issue was not valid.") )))) And we update our commands: (update (modify-ref commands (fn [cs] (insert 'create add-verified-issue cs)))) Issues now have to be signed to be valid, here is some code one could run in another file to create such commands: ;; (def machine-id "some-unique-id") ;; (def kp (gen-key-pair! (default-ecc-curve))) ;; (def sk (lookup :private-key kp)) ;; (def pk (lookup :public-key kp)) ;; (def make-issue ;; (fn [title body] ;; (def id (uuid!)) ;; (def msg ;; (string-append machine-id ;; id ;; title ;; body)) ;; {:id id ;; :author pk ;; :title title ;; :body body ;; :signature (gen-signature! sk msg)})) To generate a signed issue we can call, after loading that code into a REPL: ;; (make-issue "This issue has a verified author" ;; "This is the body of the first issue with a verified author.") And submit the result to the machine: (create {:author [:public-key {:public_curve [:curve-fp [:curve-prime 1.15792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663e77 [:curve-common {:ecc_a 0.0 :ecc_b 7.0 :ecc_g [:Point 5.506626302227734366957871889516853432625060345377759417550018736038911672924e76 3.2670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424e76] :ecc_h 1.0 :ecc_n 1.15792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337e77}]]] :public_q [:Point 1.11054692487265016800292649812157504820937148585989526304621614094061257232989e77 3.6059272479591624612420581719526072934261866833779446725219340058438651734523e76]}] :body "This is the body of the first issue with a verified author." :id "76dd218b-fbc1-4384-9962-8bfbec5da2a2" :signature [:Signature {:sign_r 1.07685492960818947345554835683887719269111710108141784367526228085824476440077e77 :sign_s 3.740767076693925401519339475669557891360406440839428851888372253368058490896e76}] :title "This issue has a verified author"}) Signing comments would be done in a similar way.