# Pattern matching ## Basics Radicle has first class patterns, which means you can use `match` expressions to bind values according to the shape of some value, and create new patterns to be used in `match` expressions. Pattern matching is invoked as follows: ;; Just getting an import out of the way (import (file-module! "prelude/io.rad") :unqualified) (match 42 'x (print! (string-append "x was: " (show x)))) That's not very interesting, but it's all we can do before we import some more patterns: (import (file-module! "prelude/test.rad") :unqualified) (file-module! "prelude/basic.rad") (import (file-module! "prelude/patterns.rad") :unqualified) Now we can pattern match on vectors, numbers, dicts, etc. For example, evaluating: (print! (match [42 [:a 3] {:key "val" :key2 "don't care"}] [43 [:a _] {:key 'v}] :not-this [42 "hello" {:key 'v}] :not-this [42 [:a 'x] {:key 'v}] [:yes x v] _ :not-this)) will print `[:yes 3 "val"]`. A valid match expression has the shape `(match v ...patterns...)` where `...patterns...` is an even number of expressions. The _patterns_ are the expressions at the even indices; the expressions at the odd indices are the _branches_. When evaluated, the value `v` is matched against the patterns, one at a time. For the first one that matches, the corresponding branch is then evaluated, and the result of that is the result of the expression. If none of the patterns matches `v`, then an exception is thrown. ## Pre-defined patterns Patterns are expressions which describe shapes that values can have, and specify atoms to bind certain parts of the value to variables. These are the patterns that come included in the prelude: - `_` is the wildcard pattern. It will match any value. It's mostly useful for ignoring sub-parts of structures, or as a catch all for the last pattern. - An atom will match against any value too, but it will then be bound to the matched value in the corresponding branch. - Numbers, keywords and strings match against themselves by equality. E.g. `42` as a pattern will only match the value `42`. - A vector of patterns `[p_0 ... p_n]` will match against vectors `[v_0 ... v_n]` of the same size, as long as `p_i` matches `v_i`. - A dict `{k_0 p_0 ... k_n p_n}` of patterns will match against dicts `{k_0 v_0 ... k_n v_n ...}` that have _at least_ the keys `k_0`, ..., `k_n`, and such that `p_i` matches `v_i`. - The pattern `(/just p)` will match values `[:just v]` as long as the pattern `p` matches `v`. - The pattern `(/cons h t)` will match against non-empty lists whose head matches `h`, and whose tail matches `t`. - `/nil` will only match the empty list. - The pattern `(/? p)`, where `p` is a predicate function, will match all values `v` such that `(p v)` is truthy. - The pattern `(/as x p)`, where `x` is an atom and `p` is a pattern, matches any values that `p` matches while also binding this value to `x` in the branch. ## Binding variables Variables used in patterns must be quoted because patterns are themselves evaluated. This means that if `x` is already bound to a value then it can be used in a pattern. For example: (def x 1) (print! (match [2 2] [x 'y] (+ y y) [(+ x 1) 'y] (+ x y))) will print the number `3`, that is, evaluate the second branch. This is because `(+ x 1)` evaluates to `2`, and so this matches the first `2` of the value `[2 2]`. Quoting variables is also what allows custom patterns to be defined. ## Non-linearity All of the patterns included in the prelude support non-linear matching, which means re-using a variable will result in testing for equality. For example the pattern `['x 'x]` will match vectors of length `2` with the same value repeated twice. And (print! (match [1 2 2] ['x 'x 'x'] [:three x] ['x 'y 'y] [:one x :and-two y] ['x 'y 'z] [:all-different x y z])) will print `[:one 1 :and-two 2]` because `[1 2 2]` matches the second pattern but not the first, as `1` is not equal to `2`. ## Custom patterns You can easily create you own patterns: they are just functions with return `[:just b]` where `b` is a dict of bindings in case of a match, and `:nothing` when the value does not match. For example let's assume that we have to deal with a lot of values of the following shape: (def alice {:user-id "123" :first-name "Alice" :last-name "Smith" :char-attributes {:class "dwarf" :max-hp 132 :current-hp 122 :spell-radius 134 :and-lots-more "stuff"}}) (def bob {:user-id "345" :first-name "Bob" :last-name "Kane" :char-attributes {:class "elf" :max-hp 96 :current-hp 55 :spell-radius 76 :and-lots-more "stuff"}}) And for some reason we keep having to extract the full name and spell radius if `:spell-radius` is over `100`, but otherwise we just want the character `:class` and the `:current-hp`. We can do this with two custom patterns: (def danger (fn [name spell-rad] (fn [v] (match v {:first-name 'fn :last-name 'ln :char-attributes {:spell-radius 'sr}} (if (> sr 100) [:just {name (string-append fn " " ln) spell-rad sr}] :nothing) _ :nothing)))) (def prey (fn [class current-hp] (fn [v] (match v {:char-attributes {:class 'c :current-hp 'hp}} [:just {class c current-hp hp}] _ :nothing)))) And now we can make a function for alerting players to other nearby players: (def nearby (fn [p] (match p (danger 'n 'sr) (print! (string-append "DANGER! powerful player " n " with spell radius " (show sr) " is approaching!")) (prey 'c 'hp) (print! (string-append "A weak " c " with only " (show hp) " health is nearby! Attack!"))))) And calling (nearby alice) Will print `"DANGER! powerful player Alice Smith with spell radius 134 is approaching!"`, but calling: (nearby bob) will print `"A weak elf with only 55 health is nearby! Attack!"`.